Welcome to the University of Idaho Library’s Podcasting Workshop!
Here, you’ll find all the information you’ll need to create a simple podcast (as well as a few additional resources to help you along).
A quick overview of what you'll find here:
- Links to the (free!) software we recommend downloading
- How to capture and store the audio you’ll be using
- How to edit the audio (i.e. trimming, cutting, and moving it around)
- Mixing the main audio with other audio (like voice-overs, music, etc.)
- How to bounce the finished project down to a simple, shareable audio file
If you complete this workshop and still have questions, please contact UI Library’s Digital Project Manager, Corey Oglesby.
Hosted by University of Idaho Library, 2019.
Theme: workshop-template-b by evanwill is built using Jekyll on GitHub Pages. The site is styled using Bootstrap with FontAwesome icons.
Content: CC BY-SA Corey Oglesby 2019 (get source code).